Contact office
USI Wien

Head of institute and department management: Snow sports, Summer Academy Dienten

Prof. Mag. Peter Ankner

+43 1 4277/17054 or 0650/2403084

Consultation during the semester: Tuesdays 09:30 - 10:30 (USZ2)
and upon request.


Kathrin Altreiter

+43 1 4277/17037 or +43 60277 17037

Hours: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 15:00


Alexander Wimmer, MA

+43 1 4277/17006 or +43 60277 17006

Department: Sports courses 

Mag. Ingmar Zipper

 +43 1 4277/17024 oder +43 664 60277 17024

Consultation during the semester: Tue, 11:00 - 12:00 (Spitalgasse) and upon request.


Helga Maresch

+43 1 4277/17038 or +43 60277 17038

Department: Competitions

Mag. Georg Denev

+43 1 4277/17025

Consultation during the semester: Mon. 11:00 - 12:00 (USZ II) and upon request.

Department: IT

Joachim Hartinger

+43 1 4277/17053 or 0664 60277 17053


Viktoria Schatzl

+43 1 4277/17007 or +43 60277 17007

Department: Certified courses, further education, advertising and public relations

Mag. Dr. Maria Rienößl

+43 1 4277/17026 or 0650/2106478

Consultation during the semester: Tue, 09:30 - 10:30 (USZ II) and upon request.


Verena Penl, BA

+43 1 4277/17005

Department: Sports courses and record keeping

Dominik Siedlaczek, Bakk. MSc

+43 1 4277/17021 oder +43 664 8176969

Consulation hours during the term: Mo. 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr (USZ2) and by arrangement


Elisabeth Mittendorfer

+43 1 4277/17028 or +43 60277 17028

Department: Organisation

Mag. Elisabeth Scattolin

+43 1 4277/17016 or 0664 60277 17016


Viktoria Schatzl

+43 1 4277/17007

Inventory management

Reinhard Lenitz

+43 1 4277/17069

Josef Fischer

+43 1 4277/17077


Karin Mayr-Krifka

+43 1 4277/17002